Bike Experience is a new way to discover the territory on two wheels. Nothing revolutionary, but the safe re-appropriate of the sweet discovery… but often, simple things have the power to transform a gesture into an unforgettable experience, and this, in the today’s frantic world, it may be more than a revolution!
Offering a new way to get on holiday with the bicycle, changing the offer of services for a customer who wants to live the territory actively, for a unique emotional experience.
Bike Experience was born from the experience of Fabio Boeti as a cycle amateur asnd cycle tourist and after the professional course held in 2013 at the University as “Promoter of Cycling Mobility”.
For active participation in the new association Ciclone ASD – Promoters of cycling mobility constituted by various professionals in order to raise awareness and disseminate more and more activities related to cycling, with particular focus towards cycle-turism. Our mission is to grow up the surrounding terrotory, talk about its story and culture and eno-gastronomic treasures. Offering a moment of intense well-being and relaxation where to slow down, admire, taste and smell the scents and colors that the environment offers us living it on a bicycle.